The pot finally boiled!

In my last post I compared waiting for our daughter to give birth to the proverbial watched pot that never boils. Yesterday was particularly grueling. We made the half hour trip to the hospital twice. On both occasions, Melaina was given morphine and gravol and sent home to rest. By the second visit she was finally beginning to make progress but she was still a long way from delivering. They might have kept her at the hospital had the maternity ward not been swamped but instead, the doctor told us to come back at 8 o’clock this morning or sooner if need be.

It’s a good thing we didn’t wait until 8:00! It was shortly before 4:00 when I heard, “Mom, there’s no way I’m going to make it til morning” from the top of the stairs. Less than ten minutes later, she, Aaron and I were out the door leaving Grandpa and the two older children tucked snugly in their beds. As we cruised through the silent city streets, I timed her contractions… four minutes… four minutes… two minutes…

After all that waiting, when things started happening, they happened fast and at 8:23 this morning Simon Gil was born! He weighed in at 7 lb. 11 oz.


Simon’s middle name, Gil, is a Hebrew name that means joy and this wee boy definitely filled our day with joy!

Richard and I made one more trip back to the hospital this afternoon to introduce Drew and Jami-Lee to their baby brother. They were thrilled!


Now they’re tucked into their beds but sleep evades them. Tomorrow is another exciting day. Mommy will come home from the hospital with baby Simon and a new chapter of their family story begins!

12 thoughts on “The pot finally boiled!

  1. I’m so glad to hear everyone is doing great and will be coming home with mom very soon. There is no gift greater than the gift of a child or grandchild and with each, your heart gets bigger to make room. Enjoy this special little bundle while he is small. Congrats to all.

  2. Congratulations to proud parents, siblings and of course the grand-parents! May baby Gil brings a whole lot of joy, brings the family closer and of course lots and lots of love! Best from us – Ida, Roberto and the twins 🙂

  3. Pingback: Caught in the club sandwich squeeze! | Following Augustine

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